I woke up this morning drenched in contentment and bliss. I have no reason for this. I had an interesting dream, but it was nothing that would bring on that level contentment. I really enjoy when this happens because it shows me my true nature. I tried to find a reason for my contentment, but I began to drift into a deep state of meditation. Consciousness was insisting that my state of mind was essentially very normal even though it is not the state of mind I am in all the time. It is funny and fitting that I then watched as time was stripped from my conscious reality as I drifted into a deep meditative trance. Dead silence in blissful contentment, mindless, timeless...
Time is that which we use to measure our reality. The entire solar system is a clock and sets the cadence for our existence. Our body's rhythm is set by the rise and fall of the sun. It is difficult to understand that time, like everything else, is an illusion within the dream construct of this existence. We perceive time differently depending on our experiences. Time usually does not fly by when we are waiting in a long line or slow down when we are doing something we derive pleasure from. Interestingly time is something that makes this shared this reality possible. History, photographs, the written word, video, memory, etc., are ways that we record events as they happen that allow us to participate in this shared dream. Memory sliced by time is how this reality was constructed and then inherited. Time is integral aspect of how we function, or better yet, how the mind functions or has learned to function in regards to the timescape of the now.
In thinking about how the mind functions we are not living in the moment, we are actually living in the past or reacting to past events. We are not truly able of living in the moment because of the manner in which we process information. The simple act of seeing is a very long and complicated process. Visual data enters the eye through the lens as reflected light at about 24 frames a second. The light falls upon the retina focused by the lens upside down. The image is transmitted to the brain where visual cortex begins to make sense out of information and the information is filtered through our frame of reference and then we see the information as an image in the mind. All this happens in a split second or less, but what we are seeing has already happened. We are reacting to sense data from past events. The amount of time that takes place from an act to our reaction is mostly irrelevant, but it is still time nonetheless. For the majority of people it is not enough time to react of think about an alternate reaction because we are not able to view our reality as it truly is, a reality without time.
Creation and Perception
The mind is creating our reality based upon data it receives from the environment. Creation and perception is happen at the same time. Data is received and perception aids in the creation of the dream reality. Time is what we use to make sense out of it. The linear progression of time is how the mind records that which is created an stored as memory thus building upon the narrative that is our life experience.
Nonlocality distorts our perceived concepts of time. Past, present and future exist at the same time in the same point within consciousness and even only exists when we engage in thought that targets a specific past, present or future event. There is only the moment, the now is the only thing that exists and everything within our reality only exists within that moment. The linear progression of time is that which supports the illusion of past and future in a reality based upon materialism.
Nonlocality can be experienced when you allow yourself to drift into a memory of a past experience's emotions and sensations. I am now able to focus my attention upon a past event and then drift into a dream to a level where when I become lucid within the past event I usually snap out of it. My olfactory memory has even allowed me to smell the the past event as well. Are we capable of transcending time and space if we accept consciousness as a dream. If the mind is an instrument of dreams we could then learn use this facility to open doors to infinite possibilities within reality, not just this reality but others as well.
Multiple Levels of Existence
You may have heard about one of the deities in eastern philosophy that sits on a lotus flower and dreams of a universe and from its belly button a lotus flower grows and upon the lotus flower another version of the same deity sits and dreams of a universe, and so on. The concept of multiple levels of consciousness and universes is very old. String theory touches on eleven space time dimensions separated by membranes each having a specific resonance. These dimensions may be 2 dimensional in nature existing of information only.
My experiences supports the idea that there are many levels of consciousness and we move from one level to the next based upon our current level of energy or resonance. Although I have not encountered other vastly different worlds I have visited levels where the people are very different and when I had returned to the same place at a later time the character of the people changed to what I normally encounter.
I am beginning to understand that multiple levels within a specific plane of existence or dream world exist. The science of quantum mechanics provides evidence that particles are popping in and out of existence. Science believes that the particles spend time as real, or original, particles and then some time as virtual particles.
"Quantum mechanics allows, and indeed requires, temporary violations of conservation of energy, so one particle can become a pair of heavier particles (the so-called virtual particles), which quickly rejoin into the original particle as if they had never been there. If that were all that occurred we would still be confident that it was a real effect because it is an intrinsic part of quantum mechanics, which is extremely well tested, and is a complete and tightly woven theory--if any part of it were wrong the whole structure would collapse." http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/are-virtual-particles-rea/Where do the particles go when they are not here? This is a question that I have came upon many times in scientific literature as well as the quasi quantum spiritual online realms. I believe that there are several levels of consciousness. In popular culture they are expressed as parallel universes, and dimensions that can be positive and negative in nature.
When I lived in Hawaii at the height of the energy attacks, I left my apartment to go to the grocery store. When I stepped out of the front door the low level of energy I was experiencing was very apparent. The sky was overcast and the location appeared rundown. There was a sketchy looking guy selling something to another guy, possibly a drug deal. There were a lot of vagrants walking the streets and congregating in out of the way locations. When I walked into the grocery store most of the customers looked as if they were sickly and tired. I felt like I was just as sickly and worn out and wondered if my level of energy was responsible for my rather dystopian environment. I had never seen it look so bad, it was a if I was in another area of the city. The radiation from the energy weapons drained me of my life force and I existed in version or level of low life force with people of equal energy, or a reality of equal energy.
Crossing Realities
Since my time in Hawaii and here on the mainland I have been working on a device that is capable of concentrating life sustaining energy. The initial devices were weak, but they were essential in allowing me to counter the use of electromagnetic radiation to prevent me from ascending or expanding my conscious environment. The devices have matured and they are now capable of producing more energy and I can use that energy to move into other levels of consciousness, mostly ones where I am not always welcome.
The different levels of consciousness share the same environment and usually the same time frame. I have not yet experienced another time frame. I have not visited the future, but I retain it as a possibility as I continue to work with the development of the devices. The most notable difference in the various levels are the people that exist there. Lower levels of energy always exhibit people of the same level of energy and higher levels exhibit a higher life force and also a improvement in attractiveness. It is easy for me to discern between one level and the next. I am in a constant battle to offset the radiation that prevents me from ascending to a higher state of consciousness. I am not sure that 'higher' can correctly describe a certain level of consciousness it may be just another level other than the current one that I perceive to be better.
Sometimes I encounter people with higher levels of resonance usually exhibiting some higher level of wealth. I know when they are nearby, I can sense them. When I am close enough to look these people in the face I can tell that they were able to sense my presence, by their reaction. What usually happens is that shortly after we acknowledge our encounter there are a swarm of people that begin to run interference for them. Strangely it is similar to a dream changing character. The location is the same, but it is similar to dreams I have when I sleep when I a person in the dream discovers that I do not belong there. Sometimes the shift is gradual and other times it is abrupt. These changes are always preceded by an encounter with these people of higher resonance.
Could the future, past and present exist as other levels of consciousness? I cannot answer this because I have yet to experience the future in anything else than being caught between a deep meditative state and dreaming. The images were fleeting and, for lack of a better phrase, "dream like", but the events did materialize in my reality. Did briefly exist within a moment of time in the future? Am I always existing in the same point where all concepts of time exist, but only able to experience the moment within my linear perception of time? When I receive warnings from my subconscious or unconscious where do they derive their information from that would prompt such warnings?
Real Dreams
Are resting dreams different levels of consciousness? My experiences have shown me that resting dreams are just as real as this shared reality. My resting dreams have familiar environments that I visit and navigate with confidence. People within my dreams know me and some are even waiting for me to arrive. Some even call me by name and are very happy to see me again(?). Within my dreams I live a life that is very different from this reality. I learn things from my resting dreams that I apply in this reality and I show people in my resting dreams what I know and experience in this shared dream.
I had an experience where a woman driving by my home while I was in the front yard and wildly gesturing to someone that I was the one. She was pointing at me as if she was trying to communicate "it's him, there he is". I could not see who she was gesturing to. At the time I thought it was more odd than my usual odd experiences, and later dismissed it. I was having unusual dreams during that time and I was being ushered out of a lot of my dreams, mostly by men. The men would force me to wake up once they discovered me in the dream, I was even shot in the head shortly after entering a dream. During this time I was even warned that a Native American tribe was hunting me during a dream. What was odd about the lady pointing me out is that I did not leave the house for about two weeks prior to going out in the front (I work from home). Where did she encounter my likeness? My next dream featured some sinister looking Native Americans trying to find me while I was in the backyard. Did she tell them where I lived? As strange as it may seem this is perfectly normal now. Resting dreams are as real as this shared reality and when I have experiences, some violent events, and wake up I am able to renter the dream and allow it to continue; much like as if waking from one dream places me into another dream within this reality.
This shared reality is unraveling and I am trying to make sense of my experiences with a limited frame of reference. I am having difficulty framing unknowns with all that I do know. The problem is that I am beginning to understand that all I know is mostly false. I am starting to have more lucid dreams in environments that seem more real than this shared reality, feeling like a different level or dimension. What happens when I am able to remain in a lucid state within a different dream world? How do I wake up from a dream that was created by a limited frame of reference into one of limitless possibilities? Those that watch me in this shared dream are doing whatever is possible to ensure I do not make that transition. If past, present and future do exist within the same moment of our non-local conscious environment then in one sense I have already made the transition and all I need to do is make sense of it all. These posts are a means to this transition. I believe the posts contribute to changing the current paradigm within this reality, facilitating thought, manifesting change, disseminating possibilities...
I'm going to break it here and continue next time with more on time and even time travel, or time traveling tourists.
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