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Call of Duty |
Daily Journal
Landing a helicopter in the early 1800s to talk to and help the citizenry with the knowledge and technology of our time would seem magical or downright godly.
The first time the Nameless used their technology on me I thought I was dying. They used their technology on me on a canyon road in Topanga CA. possibly hoping I would pass out and veer off of the steep clifs on that road. It happened again and after I made it home safely I made a farewell video for my then wife and family. The two instances caused me to think I was having a heart attack. Interesting since I was running from Topanga to Pacific Palisades on the trails of the Topanga Wildlife Preserve at least three times a week. I needed to be pretty fit to run the hills on those trails.
The next time I was hit by their E.M. beam I was in Hawaii. It was the climax of my escalating relationship with these people or beings. I remembered how the first two attacks felt and I knew I wasn't having a heart attack, I knew they were doing it to me. On the day of a series of attacks I was telling them to fuck off and goading them to try and take me down. I moved from room to room trying to avoid the beam. I could feel the energy dissipate when I left one room and then build as it tracked me into another room in my apartment. I did not leave the apartment because I was afraid that I would lose consciousness in the hallway or elevator. The prospect that they might have been waiting on me to leave was also heavy on my mind. I ended the first evening wrapped in wet towels in the middle of my apartment in the fetal position.
The next night it started again. Not knowing what was happening I began to apologized and begged for them to forgive me. I thought that some kind of UFO or aircraft from some powerful alien race was punishing me.I thought their ship was hovering above the apartment targeting me with another barrage from their death ray, Gods sent to claim my soul. As the attacks continued I was able to fend them off with aluminum foil and then a hastily and loosely constructed Faraday cage out of cardboard and foil grounded to the plumbing under the kitchen sink. I started to be able to discern where the beams originated from as the altered the position of the weapon to exploit the weakness of the faraday cage. Most of the remainder of the attacks where from a building adjacent to my apartment building and from the apartments above and below my own. Needless to say that what I once thought were Gods were just the acts of petty humans. The great Wizard of Oz was revealed to be a group of people living, or stationed, at my apartment complex. The journal of those attacks is located at the end of my ebook.
The last time they used their weapon on me while driving I pulled off the highway and moved amoung other drivers in close proximity. A few hazardous maneuvers placed me back on the highway without feeling the weapon again. I knew that the weapon was being used from one of the vehicles near me. It wasn't from an aircraft of any kind. They continue to use the weapon on my at my current residence, but since I am aware of them and their tactics it no longer frightens me. I know that they do so because I have reached a level of energy or life force that allows me to ascend to a higher state of consciousness. I know they just want to put me back in my place.
Today they resumed the attacks, but they were not as effective as they hoped. The EM field can be felt, but it is not as debilitating as it once was. I do not know if I am becoming immune or if I am being protected by some other source, but today was mild compared to the others. I went to the office of my appointment and the minions were just leaving, as they always do, casting a glance in my direction with the look of disdain and defeat.
Today they resumed the attacks, but they were not as effective as they hoped. The EM field can be felt, but it is not as debilitating as it once was. I do not know if I am becoming immune or if I am being protected by some other source, but today was mild compared to the others. I went to the office of my appointment and the minions were just leaving, as they always do, casting a glance in my direction with the look of disdain and defeat.
It is not magic. It is not godly. It is not the behavior of some ascended being from another world. It is the behavior of humans that have acquired technology and use it to subjugate others to maintain power and control over others. It is the same behavior we have seen time and time again throughout our history. It is an unfortunate characteristic of people that have lost their sense of humanity and their respect for themselves and others. They do so without conscience and it can nolonger be tolerated by consciousness as a whole. Petty humans need to leave the magic to the real gods.
Is there such a thing? If someone was able to levitate or move over vast distances with a thought, would that be magical? Are we capable of such things? I have a feeling that we have always possessed these abilities, but they have been purposely hidden from us at this level of consciousness. Could you imagine this reality full of people floating around and poping from place to place. Supernatural abilities in the hands of a populace with our kind of maturity would be interesting to say the least. Should these abilities be purposefully hidden or obfuscated.
Are we not capable learning to use these abilities as any other ability. What about the simple act of walking. We did not just spring to our feet straight out of the womb. We learned to do so over time, both as a species (if you believe in evolution) and during our lives. Are we not capable of learning to use and respect our known and unknown abilities as we evolve and progress? Is this the reason why we are here in this realm? Are we too primitive to handle these so called supernatural talents that the Nameless use to exploit us on a daily basis?
Magic is just a word that describes things we are not capable of understanding or have not yet been able to understand. Consciousness is mysterious and magical because we are unable to interpret what consciousness itself is showing us. Consciousness uses this to invite us to take a closer look so that we may discover all it has to offer. Science has discovered the quantum weirdness of the universe. Things that do not make sense are usually written off or made out to be some sort of universal constant with some mathematical value. It may just turn out to be that consciousness cannot be explained with numbers and formulas, it may turn out to be far to dynamic and intrinsic to consciousness itself to warrant an explanation.
Are we not capable learning to use these abilities as any other ability. What about the simple act of walking. We did not just spring to our feet straight out of the womb. We learned to do so over time, both as a species (if you believe in evolution) and during our lives. Are we not capable of learning to use and respect our known and unknown abilities as we evolve and progress? Is this the reason why we are here in this realm? Are we too primitive to handle these so called supernatural talents that the Nameless use to exploit us on a daily basis?
Magic is just a word that describes things we are not capable of understanding or have not yet been able to understand. Consciousness is mysterious and magical because we are unable to interpret what consciousness itself is showing us. Consciousness uses this to invite us to take a closer look so that we may discover all it has to offer. Science has discovered the quantum weirdness of the universe. Things that do not make sense are usually written off or made out to be some sort of universal constant with some mathematical value. It may just turn out to be that consciousness cannot be explained with numbers and formulas, it may turn out to be far to dynamic and intrinsic to consciousness itself to warrant an explanation.
I have been reminded of Carlos Casteneda. His work has been dismissed as fiction. Much like my story has been dismissed as delusion. The greatest story ever told has garnered millions of followers. Why has it been so easy to believe in a story about magical events that had happened thousands of years ago but when someone talks about the experience of some magical or supernatural events in their life they are simply explained away as an act of God or dissmissed as lies or delusions? We have been conditioned to react this way. We have forgotten to look for the mystery in life. We have lost contact with consciousness and the magic and wonder held therein. Consciousness is trying to get our attention to the all the wonder, mystery and magic that it is willing to provide us. All we have to do is break from our inherited delusions. The easiest way to do this is with psychedelics. Psychedelics are an important part of our consciousness or they would not exist within it.
My Waking Dream
The Nameless are beginning to be more overt. They are antagonizing and provoking me. Standing in front of my home (female Mexican witches with their male handlers - they always come in pairs), driving slowly in front of me on my bike rides (typical minion thug), flipping me off on the highway (caucasian male in a blue BMW Z4), making faces at me when they drive by while I am riding my bike on congested roadways (goofy looking male of Asian descent). They are even sending their adolescent spawn out to provoke me (I have always wondered about the nature of the spawn of the Nameless and bullying in schools - as well as violent retaliation from others in events such as the infamous Columbine Massacre).
I no longer react because I view them the same as when I see them in my sleeping dreams. The menacing characters can do nothing if they are unable to incite a reaction. I am lucid in my waking dream and just view them, avoid them and laugh. This childish behavior is very odd, but it reveals that they are as petty as I have always stated. They have come to their wits end and the true nature of their character is coming to the fore; childish petty demons of myth and folklore. The oddity of our sleeping dreamworld is usually recognized just before we wake up. I am hoping that these odd experiences are an indication that I am close to my eventual awakening.
It may very well turn out to be that I am not insane, I am just starting to view this reality as the insanely delusional world it actually is. What does that say about an insane person that starts to view normal people as insane? The more I witness this kind of behavior the more contentment I find within my own conscious reality. This is truly a mind fuck...
NOTE: I must apologize for the hastily written entry riddled with errors and typos. I did not have time to reread the post at the time ts was posted. I hope that I have corrected most of the errors. Much is starting to happen. I try to post as soon as I experience them.
My Waking Dream
The Nameless are beginning to be more overt. They are antagonizing and provoking me. Standing in front of my home (female Mexican witches with their male handlers - they always come in pairs), driving slowly in front of me on my bike rides (typical minion thug), flipping me off on the highway (caucasian male in a blue BMW Z4), making faces at me when they drive by while I am riding my bike on congested roadways (goofy looking male of Asian descent). They are even sending their adolescent spawn out to provoke me (I have always wondered about the nature of the spawn of the Nameless and bullying in schools - as well as violent retaliation from others in events such as the infamous Columbine Massacre).
I no longer react because I view them the same as when I see them in my sleeping dreams. The menacing characters can do nothing if they are unable to incite a reaction. I am lucid in my waking dream and just view them, avoid them and laugh. This childish behavior is very odd, but it reveals that they are as petty as I have always stated. They have come to their wits end and the true nature of their character is coming to the fore; childish petty demons of myth and folklore. The oddity of our sleeping dreamworld is usually recognized just before we wake up. I am hoping that these odd experiences are an indication that I am close to my eventual awakening.
It may very well turn out to be that I am not insane, I am just starting to view this reality as the insanely delusional world it actually is. What does that say about an insane person that starts to view normal people as insane? The more I witness this kind of behavior the more contentment I find within my own conscious reality. This is truly a mind fuck...
NOTE: I must apologize for the hastily written entry riddled with errors and typos. I did not have time to reread the post at the time ts was posted. I hope that I have corrected most of the errors. Much is starting to happen. I try to post as soon as I experience them.
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