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image: sciencealert.com |
I was riding my bicycle on a mountain road on a beautiful morning shortly before this post. I was in awe of the beauty of this dream as my reality. I was hit by a thought from my past just after I passed through the void that I had written about in my book. I remembered that I referred to the people I saw looking at me, as if I was an exhibit at a museum, as time traveling tourists. "That's it!" I said. It suddenly became apparent that Nonlocality was the answer to how it was possible.
I struggled with the concept of time travel for a long time. I even concluded that time travel was not possible. I believed that I was correct. In a physical or materialist worldview time travel is impossible. To go back in time the traveler would need to calculate where the earth was at a specific point in time. Where was the earth on August 15 2001? Where was the solar system? Where was the galaxy or this region of the universe for that matter? Nonlocality or idealism renders those questions mute. One point that past, present and future exist simultaneously within consciousness. I never truly understood what was meant by enlightened people when they said that everything is one. Now I think I can begin to conceive of what that actually means.
When I dream, while sleeping, I can move from one place to another in a blink of an eye. One morning I went from being stuck to the back of a SUV in China to my backyard as the dream changed locations. I spent hours talking with people I knew working, laughing and playing watching the locations and people morph and change before my mind's eye. My childhood memories come alive and then I see myself as I am, as well as, versions of what I could become played out before me in a matter of, what seem like, seconds or hours.
When I am awake, dreaming this reality, there are the mundane aspects of this linear reality that occupies the majority of my attention. But, I can begin to understand my past experiences that have been so puzzling to me. How did those time traveling tourist know I where I was going to be? How did some of my antagonists know what I had said at one time in my life or were aware of my personal secrets? What was once a mystery can be solved by the nonlocality of idealism. The illusion of past, present and future governed by the construct of our linear perception of time has confined and confounded me. Those that are capable of mastering consciousness move through this dreamworld without the constraints of time and space. How much of my life have they seen or influenced? Do I struggle because of their influence or because I ignore what my subconscious is trying to tell me?
What If...
Let's take a different perspective on this shared reality and view your life as a dream. Take a look at everything in this reality as if it were only existing in your mind. This may b difficult to do, but considering what we do know about the mind and how it processes information it is not too far from the truth. When you sit in a room the only thing that exists is the room and whatever else you can sense. When you watch television the program only exists for you. Everything that happens during the program is there for you and because of you. You set off to go to work or to buy groceries. The notion you set in play causes consciousness to manifest the environment in order for you to facilitate the task you want to accomplish. No matter what you do consciousness is there manifesting everything within your immediate environment. No matter where you focus your visual sensors the mind communicates that sense data to consciousness and the dream coalesces before you.
When you dream while resting the dream serves you and the interplay of the conscious mind with the subconscious and unconscious creates a reality that seems somewhat distorted at times. It seems that if a dream lacks volition it seems wildly chaotic and frightening. When there is direction and purpose the dream conforms to an acceptable or comfortable narrative. Because we have accepted the notion that conscious dreams (awake) and unconscious dreams (sleep) are different (one real and the other not real) we do not try to impose our will on our unconscious dreams as we do in our conscious dream world. I have found that once you begin to accept that all states of dreaming are the same then your unconscious dreams take on a completely different direction, purpose and or dimension.
Note: I am trying to find the best way to discern resting dreams and awake dreams. The problem I am having is that conscious, subconscious and unconscious are difficult terms to use since I believe that we are only in one constant state of consciousness. I am not yet able to realize and manifest that concept in my mind; essentially waking up from all dreams by uniting all three states of the mind.
What differs in the conscious and unconscious dreamworld is that one is mostly private and the other is shared. Initially that is the case but as you restructure your frames of reference regarding dreams you notice that there are more similar aspects. The most significant change is that your unconscious dreams are not really private. My evolving experiences are proving to me that there is no privacy within the totality of consciousness. Differing dream states are illusions.
The time traveling tourists I cited in my book were people (entities, beings) that knew (learned) about my adventure through the void and came to visit my conscious dream in order to share and experience my dream world. How they did this goes under the speculative heading of "mastering consciousness". What was once fascinating and mysterious is now only fascinating because I cannot do it myself, yet. When we dismiss the false philosophical concepts of materialism and embrace idealism time becomes coordinates similar to GPS data that point to events within a dream or dimension (level, layer, etc.). This data must be accessible to the whole of consciousness that is essentially the foundation of the shared reality.
People, beings and entities travel through this conscious reality as if it were a tourist destination. I have seen and interacted with many different kinds of people. Those that I called 'others', tourists, those that I claim that were trying to harm or kill me, as well as those that have came to help me realize the truth of my existence. I have caused people to run from me and have somehow become some kind of witness that reveals the presence of beings or entities hiding in this level of reality to the whole of consciousness (yeah, that's even hard for me to swallow...). There are beings capable of altering your emotional mindset or the shared conscious environment directly. The most effective tool for most of these people is our ignorance of the true nature of consciousness. That ignorance is being exploited in many ways.
So "The Secret" (a.k.a. the law of attraction) has not helped you to materialize and manifest your desires completely yet. Well, there are many reasons why this is the case. One of the most important aspects of this shared dream is that consciousness is manifesting the dreams for everyone within this shared reality simultaneously. Since we are manifesting false concepts of materialism we have established a rigid foundational mindset or paradigm that facilitates the nature of the construct. We believe that this reality is solid, tangible, material and physical, that was built by those that came before us and must be maintained, supported and protected. Cultural paradigms are enforced by social, national, political and religious doctrine.
There are enforcers that exist within my conscious and unconscious dreams that are there to limit the expansion of my conscious environment. What once were terrifying experiences have become benign reminders of this current level of consciousness. I used to look for a physical way out, another location to distance myself from those enforcers, nonlocality has changed that. I now believe that there is no such thing as the physical here. I have a sign on my wall that simply says "There Is No Spoon" (from the film "The Matrix) to remind me that 'life is but a dream' and all I need to do is wake up to that simple fact.
I can easily get in over my head with the seemingly limitless possible concepts of this conscious dream world. That is one of the most fascinating aspects of consciousness, anything is possible. It is frightening and yet truly humbling. What I am able to hold onto is my expanding appreciation for consciousness. I believe that as I re-frame my past experienced base references I can find what I have been looking for my entire adult life. I used to call it enlightenment, but now I think it is more along the lines of conscious emancipation.
So. I'll end this my current prattle here for now. Comments are active and unmoderated. If you do comment it will be posted immediately. I have received some messages on my Twitter account that some readers comments were lost. I do not delete comments unless they are automatically deleted by the spam filter (limit links in comments when possible). I assume that comments on this blog are being censored without my knowledge, email as well, oh well... I'll keep posting anyway. I can't really fight the system using the system itself, but I'll do what I can until I have mastered consciousness.
Next time I'll continue to explore this fascinating shared dream and talk a little about how consciousness may possibly be two dimensional rather than the three dimensional reality we have all come to know and love...
Want to support this crazy way of thinking? Buy my book, "The Prevention of Ascension" on Amazon, Smashwords, Apple and many other digital booksellers.
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