Friday, April 6, 2012


 The Prevention of Ascension -

The only heaven and hell that exists is the one that you create for yourself. There is no salvation waiting for the moral and noble, nor is there purgatory waiting for those that choose a life that harms others as well as themselves. You don't have to wait for the end of this existence in order to reap the rewards or punishment for your actions, you are reaping them right now. Some of you might be satisfied with all that you have accomplished. Satisfaction breeds mediocrity and complacency. That by which you surround yourself with, the accomplishments of your actions, shrouds yourself from much more. Satisfied or dissatisfied, it is mostly up to you and your actions.

What I am discovering is that the Nameless are just as limited as the rest of us. Take a look at the existence that is seemingly controlled by this group of people (beings), they are as faulty as the rest of us. They have difficulty in reigning in those that are lucid in the dreamworld of this reality. They control by fear and desires of their own making. The most difficult part of understanding this level of existence are the habits that keep you here. Your actions no matter how insignificant have a role in the amount of vibrational energy you possess at any given time. The more vibrational energy that you are able to maintain protects you from the influence and actions of the Nameless. I have discovered that by quitting some habits, that I have known to be an inhibiting influence in my life, I am making progress in ways that were not expected.

Lead Me Not Into Temptation

I cannot be sure of what I am experiencing at all (not necessarily a bad thing). I still struggle with understanding everything that occurs an how much influence I have on the creation or manifestation of everything within my experience. I do see that I am constantly being tempted, but I cannot discern between my thoughts and possibly the influence of others. As I gain energy (vibrate at different frequencies) my conscious cloud changes. It becomes less dense and expands to allow me to see more. This also increases the amount level of temptation. In the past I would succumb to those inhibiting habits and fall back to that stagnant existence of my reality. I am more in command at this time.
The temptations are signs of progress and are no longer desirable. My desires are focussed upon emancipation.

There is something to the many monks that have given up on the temptations this existence has to offer. It is beginning to make more sense to me as I sort out my own path through the maze I have found myself within. There are as many levels of temptation as there are levels of ascension. I am now using abstention as a means to ascension. Higher (or different) levels of vibration attract similar levels of tempting experiences. To indulge (a form of attachment) causes a kind of “wait state” until you are able to free yourself from it. It is an ever evolving process of creation, manifestation and the resulting reaction that again recreates and re-manifests. Think of a fractal image that is collapsing or expanding upon itself with subtle vibrations altering the image as it moves through time. Desirable elements of the fractal image can carry you with it, thereby taking your attention from the constant evolution. This is my best and current explanation for what I am able to discern from my experiences. Temptations are distractions and this existence is full of distractions. It is as if we have entered into a level where we have given into the distractions for such a long time that we can no longer escape it. This existence is the island of the Lotus Eaters. Are the Nameless are providing these distractions or are they exploiting our apathy towards our true purpose?

I have gotten to a point where I can witness how my conscious experiences are effected by others in my life. I am able to see how their vibrational energy effects their own conscious experiences, predominant thoughts and desires when they are near me. I am not sure if my vibrational energy is amplifying their thoughts or if I am just able to witness them create their life in real time. I am able to see how people come into their conscious cloud in order to facilitate a desire (thoughts, intentions, both positive and negative in nature). I can observe a person move past me and see the interaction of their conscious reality unfolding before them. I can see this because I am still transitioning from one paradigm of thought to the next. It is a difficult task to stay focussed on the creation of my existence all the time. There are far too many bad habits as well as the many years that have allowed those habits to find a sense of permanence. I am aware, so I am able to make corrections and adjustments in attitude to continue.

Paying For Attention

I am reluctant to post this information here because of how it effects my conscious experiences. This is also a forum that the Nameless have used in the past in order to understand my current level of vibrational energy. I have posted some experiences in the past that have proven to be helpful to the Nameless in their endeavors to inhibit my progress. The Nameless are doing their best to get close enough to me to know what I am up to, but they are again standing out in the crowd. The higher level of energy I am able to maintain the more difficult it is for them to monitor me with their minions, they have to do it themselves. When they come out to observe me I sense them. It is as if they were transmitting a signal that lets me know where they are. I am doing what I can to continue toward my path of ascension, but I cannot reveal all that I am doing at this time. When I post my experiences here I have to give them a certain amount of attention. The attention I give them brings our conscious clouds together, it gives them the opportunity to interact with me. The more time I spend giving my attention to ascension and emancipation the farther I move away from them. I look forward to the moment when I no longer grant them a thought.

Correctional Institution

The days when I used psilocybin regularly, prior to my journey into the void, I used to see my existence as a mental institution. Living spaces (track homes, dorms, barracks, apartments, quarters, communities) looked too confining. Living spaces and work places confined and defined everyone. Good behavior is rewarded and grants someone a opportunity to move up the ranks (gain special privileges). Before discovering (or entering this state of consciousness) the Nameless, I noticed that there were people in my life that seemed to be attempting to influence me. Now that I am aware of the Nameless I have these minor epiphanies concerning the role of the Nameless in my past experiences. Join us! Be more like us! I belong to this congregation! I am a member of this organization! I work for this corporation! Most of them were all steering me into a role of servitude, serving the group. It is funny the only thing I ever really wanted was something they could not give me, my emancipation from this existence.

This existence, reality, is a prison. I try to stay away from quotes from popular films, but a quote from The Matrix cannot be ignore. This reality is a prison for the mind. There cannot be a better description than that. Heaven and hell can be found here if you choose to follow the well worn paths that are made available to you. The work you do is for them. The national pride you have is for them. The cultural boundaries are to keep you segregated. The limitations that you may or may not perceive are methods of control. What you do not know is that there are many other alternatives. Most of you will fail at finding an alternate path. It is not because you are physically or mentally weak, it is because you have too much invested in this reality to abandon it (family, friends, property, cultural and social accomplishments). If you are like myself and you are capable of risking it all to find what you are looking for, you will find it.

Risking Everything

What can you give a person that wants nothing?

I am kicking down the limitations of my (un)conscious experience. That by which defines my reality is breaking under the relentless stress of my will. I no longer feel that I might be delusional. That affliction was just a phase necessary to rationalize my experiences. What I experience is as with any dream, both real and unreal. As I continue to understand this I am better able to exist. Chipping away at the boundaries of this prison is revealing a lot of cracks. Each one of those cracks presents opportunities and further incentive to continue.

I'm gett'n ready to rock my world... I have never been so focussed. As things change I gain more focus and gain greater desire to see this through to the end (if there is an end to this infinite journey). I am actively conducting my conscious interaction with the greater consciousness. A strange part about all of this is that I should be amazed, but it seems all too familiar. I cannot be sure (of anything), but I might have done this before. How long have I been here? How many times have I gone through this? I wonder if I am close or just stuck in a loop. It is important that you never allow your mind to get caught in a routine (a downward spiral).

Thursday, March 1, 2012


The Prevention of Ascension -

She held a gun against my head. I had a feeling that this was going to be it. I just closed my eyes and surrendered to what was going to happen. I waited, the gun went off. I felt a blow to my head and felt the blood running down my neck. I fell over on my face and everything began to go black. But, then I became aware that this was just a dream. I grabbed for the gun and took it away from her. I grabbed her by the throat and began to drag her as I got up and walked away. I had no harsh feelings for her, she was just a character, a prop in this unconscious experience. The awareness of the dream became stronger and I woke up. My body was shaking, but my mind was calm. I thought it was odd that my body shook almost uncontrollably, but my mind was still and observant. I lay there and began to smile as I thought about what had happened and observing my calm and content emotional state. I was unmoved and unconcerned. My body became relaxed and I fell back asleep unconcerned about the dream I just experienced. I woke up a few hours later remembering the dream and its significance.

With some of the things that I am doing within the reality of my existence, I am again seeing the edges of this reality. The amount of control I have in the creation of my daily activities is fascinating, and also very humbling. The moment I acknowledge my part in the manifestation of events in my reality I am reassuring myself of the possibility of it. I am like a child beginning to walk and move about. I am no longer confined to the crib of my benightedness. My new awareness is changing me (whoever I am). The habits that have kept me here (wherever here is) can no longer be tolerated. Whatever that inhibits my ascension is becoming detestable; a part of me that I no longer know. I am again dancing on the edge of this level of consciousness. I see people that I don't normally see. The attractive ones that stand out. The ones that I feel or sense as they enter my conscious cloud.

The spooks (nameless minions sent to scare me) are making themselves seen, but they don't bother me. I know who they are and the purpose they serve, but they are unable to override my feeling of content and my overall sense of well-being. They come by and present themselves, but I have little fear or worry. The awareness of dreaming that I had experienced in the dream I mentioned above is similar. There is a part of me that takes over and I realize that there is nothing to be afraid of. This is all just an unconscious dreamworld, I can no longer deny this. I refer to our waking reality as an unconscious experience, because it fits. This reality is so far from being conscious that we no longer know what it is to be conscious.


I have recurring thoughts that I might have died on my way through the void. There are other events in my life that I might not have survived, but consciousness continued as if nothing had happened. The vibrational string of my life continues. The many permutations of my creation expanding as the universe of my consciousness expands. One thread ends, another begins and I never know it happens. But, I can now see the truth in it. I can see that there is no end. There is an end to this delusion though and it begins with the realization that there is no end. 

We are eternal. Aging and death are just ways that consciousness gives us another chance to get it right. We spend too much time trying to get ahead when we should be trying to go beyond this reality.


I am starting to put it all together. One action causes a reaction within my conscious cloud and I am better able to interpret the meaning. I am learning what I need to do from consciousness itself. As I continue to tear down the veil of this delusion I see the flaws. What I have been perceiving as real is falling apart and the flaws can no longer be set aside. It is as if the once perfect performance (theatrical) of this reality can not longer stand up to the scrutiny of my new awareness. I am driven by my dissatisfaction of this existence. I occasionally find myself fighting off a desire for retribution, to find those that have worked so hard to keep me here in this deprived state for so long and release my discontent upon them. I hope that those feelings will continue to fade.

I am diligently trying to hack this reality. It is as if I am manipulating my conscious awareness, knowingly altering my state of being, ultimately altering my state of vibrational existence. I have taken the blue pill and I am entering a state where everything (everything) is possible and nothing is real. 

More still to come...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Something's In The Air

The last post seemed to bring a lot of attention on many levels. It is always good to get some feedback and I appreciate it. Some of the feedback has not been so good, but appreciated. The Nameless have stepped up their use of electromagnetic or RF (radio frequency) radiation on me. It has a been a little different from the constant exposure I originally received while in Hawaii. There seems to be a given protocol that is followed when it comes to suppressing someone like myself regardless of the geographical differences. I thought I would try to explain what I have been experiencing. You might find that you may be experiencing similar symptoms to the exposure.

I remember taking my HAM radio license test and receiving interesting amount of attention from the members of the local HAM radio club that was hosting the exam. The majority of the members in the club as well as the majority of people taking the exam were, on some level, part of the organization I refer to as the Nameless. They spent a good deal of time scrutinizing me from the moment I arrived to the time I departed. My knowledge concerning RF radiation is limited, but I know a little bit about what electro magnetic radiation is capable of, concerning the human body. It makes sense that the Nameless would be keep their members informed and licensed about the use of radio frequency if it was being used for other purposes other than communication.

I am not going to go into depth concerning the radio frequencies, because there are plenty of online sources that could do a better job explaining what they are, how they are generated, as well as the many different types. What I would like to say is that our environment is saturated with them. The sun and other stars produce radio waves. The radio active materials in our environment produce radio waves. Power lines, the electrical current in your home, the wireless router, your mobile device, the monitor you are using to view this post, any electronic device can produce levels of radiation. Most of the devices are subject to FCC regulations, and they are all supposed to be safe for limited amounts of exposure. We live in a sea of electromagnetic radiation and as the use of mobile technology increases the level of saturation must also increase. The thicker the levels of electromagnetic radiation the easier it is to hide something within them (sub-bands, sidebands, phase modulation, polarization modulation).

So you might ask, what's the problem? The problem is that the human body is an electrical system. Electricity flows through the body and is necessary in order to live and function. Too much  electricity (direct contact) is harmful or fatal depending on the level of current, particularly amperes. Tasers uses high voltage to incapacitate you, defibrillators use high voltages to restart your heart while your home's electrical current can kill you with low voltage and a mere quarter amp. We are electrical beings and too much electromagnetic radiation in our environment produces interference. But, what is the threshold? What level is low enough to go unnoticed, but high enough to make you feel despondent, lethargic, hyperactive, confused, depressed, angry, aggressive or indifferent? There is also the aspect of more subtle electrical transmissions from the brain that are being interfered with by this sea of radio waves that permeate our environment. The radiation is not natural and should be considered a kind of unseen environmental pollutant that not only affects the physical body, but also spiritual consciousness.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Our Limited Reality

The Prevention of Ascension - 

Two people are standing on the same street corner at the exact same time of day, both are distracted and focused upon something else. There is a commotion at a coffee shop across the street, and a man runs from the coffee shop and into traffic. A car slams on its brakes and swerves towards the two people standing on the street corner. The car hits a fire hydrant, and the entire street corner is engulfed in a spray of water. The two people run for cover in a nearby market and look up and recognize one another. One says to the other where have you been, I have been waiting for you for the past 15 minutes. The other says almost the same thing. They both go over to the coffee shop for their preplanned meeting and talk about what just happened. They get most of their story right about what they witnessed, but they can't agree on everything. A person is sitting next to them in the coffee shop. He hears what they are talking about and smiles because he thinks they are both wrong about what happened. 

We are constantly interpreting the reality we see, but we can only interpret what we have already seen. In other words we can only interpret something that has already happened and not what is actually happening. In order to interpret what is actually happening our mind would have to be capable of prescience. That is to see it before it happens, interpret the information and react as it actually happens. The lag between seeing something and responding is called reaction time. It is within the reaction time that details get discarded, or filtered out. The filter is not a standard instinctual built in filter that we all share, it is based upon accumulated personal experiences called your frame of reference. You see it, interpret and filter the information and then you react. We are all actually living in the past. The only time we do not live in the past is when we are meditating. No thought, no interpretation, no time, just the moment, for as long as you can make it last.

We have all experienced a series of events and tried to recall everything that happened. Some of us get it right, but most of us miss key elements within the events. This is partially because we are distracted, preoccupied with other thoughts, or multitasking, but rarely in the moment. We are also limited by our natural abilities and senses. Our eyes are capable of seeing a limited portion of the known visible spectrum. We see by reflected light and have limited night vision. Our ears are severely limited and our sense of smell is one of the most retarded of most mammals. We know this because we have created tools that can see, smell and hear the things we cannot. We also know that our tools are limited in reading and interpreting everything contained within our reality. We know this and we accept it without questioning.

We realize that our mind is limited, well, most of us realize this. Many of us believe that what we are seeing is real and not a series of electrical impulses interpreted by our brain (hardware). The mind (software) then attempts to make sense out of what we are seeing. If we are having difficulty understanding what we see, or we are inundated with too much information in a short amount of time, we become confused. Within confusion is a storm of activity where some interesting things are happening. We begin ease our confusion with information we are comfortable with. Our frame of reference steps in to calm the firestorm of confusing synaptic activity and filters the information leaving out the more confusing aspects by substituting them with familiar images and information. We know this and accept it without questioning.

We know that the mind is severely limited by the accumulated images and information that is contained within it (memory). It is very difficult if not impossible for the human mind to create something that does not resemble something that already exists. Even if we were to encounter something that we do not have a point of reference to, it may not be possible to see it at all. If the mind does not have anything closely related to what it is attempting to interpret it might just make something up, something that is the best possible mockup of what it is attempting to interpret.

One of the tools we use to navigate our reality is that we do so by making comparisons. If there is a need to describe something then a common aspect must be established. If that common aspect cannot be established communication, interpretation, visualization, etc... stops. We know this because it is impossible to describe the color red to a person that has been blind since birth. People that have been blind since birth lack the visual information necessary to understand what you are talking about. Blind people have the ability to feel and hear their surrounding environment. Is impossible to describe the color red as a tactile sensation or audio vibration? It is also interesting to note that people who have been blind since birth dream in what can be loosely described as cloud like shadows. The emotional content of their dreams are still present, because they have the necessary information from their waking experiences. Emotions and sensations occur without the visual imagery because the brain lacks the visual data. The brain/mind cannot create something that it has no reference to. If the brain/mind was capable of creating something without any reference, then people that have been blind since birth would dream as sighted people dream.

There are some people that have extra sensory perceptions. The ability to see future events. The ability to know what others are thinking. The ability to see apparitions; dead people. We have seen these people in action on television and even carnival side shows. On the other hand there are also people that are able to turn off sensations and emotions in order to endure a painful event. As well as, super human feats of strength during times of crisis. We know this and accept it without questioning, but can these abilities be turned on and off at will? The limitations of the brain and mind might be due to the manner in which we use it. Could there be a means of controlling and activating the known and unknown (dormant) abilities of our brain and mind? I don't know of any instructions on how this can be accomplished, but that does not keep me from trying.


The mind is a terrible thing. It filters out much of your everyday sensory information. If the mind tried to interpret everything within the so-called reality then it would probably melt down (aka nervous breakdown). The mind filters a very large portion of the various external stimuli from the environment and also turns off sensations that cause too much of a distraction. It does so without your conscious input. Attention to these sensations are deemed unnecessary through environmental and social conditioning. The imagination is stunted at a very early age. A child that is able to see things that their parents cannot see is scolded or sent to a psychiatrist. We are all conditioned to disregard the strange and unusual that exists in our everyday conscious experiences. Our once open mind has been shackled and confined to one mundane point of focus. If you think I am wrong then you might consider turning on the external stimuli that are shut off. If you are like most people you're not going to be able to do it. It is not because it is impossible, it is because you do not know how. Do not fear, there are chemicals abound to help you temporarily turn on those sensations one by one or all at once.

Natural plant substances that exist in our reality that are capable of turning on parts of the brain exist for a reason. Primitive cultures accidentally stumbled upon these substances while they were gathering food. Various mushrooms, roots, bark, plant leaves, flowers, cacti, minerals, elements are capable of partially, or permanently, freeing the soul (consciousness) from the body. Altered states of consciousness expanded their understanding of consciousness. Imagine what occurred in the mind of the first person to experience Amanita muscaria (the famous bright red mushroom with white spots), psilocybin, or peyote. To not have a reference to an altered state of consciousness and to then slide into a completely foreign plane of existence is nothing less than extraordinary. What is more interesting is how that experience changed their conscious reality. Not to mention the frequent use of psilocybin having a side effect of increasing visual acuity of primitive cultures as an aid in surviving their natural environment. I am not going to continue on about the relationship between plants and humankind because there is plenty of information on the subject of ethnobotany by Terrence McKenna and others.

I am not convinced that 2012 is anything to worry about, but it may be something to be consciously prepared for. Dec 21st may not end in a big bang, it may just be the beginning of conscious evolution. I do want to mention that we as a society have outlawed and banned the personal use of psychedelics and have suffered because of this. We live in a spiritually stagnant evolutionary period because we are not comfortable with altering the conscious experiences of this reality. I believe this is being done on purpose to funnel our conscious experiences, or reality, through only one of many possible avenues.

With all the limitations of our senses how can we really know what is real? It is easy to trick the mind and senses in believing something contrary to what actually exists. Knowing all the limitations of our senses and mind how can we consciously accept our reality as being absolute. We do so because we have to conform to this pre-conceived (more in the sense of being created or formed prior to our arrival) social construct in order to survive it. Take note as to what I am saying: We have to believe in something that might be a delusion, accept it and participate in it because we fear that non-participation may lead to difficulty or an premature end to the delusion, otherwise know as death. For some reason , it resembles a snake eating its own tail. We still accept this even though we agree that life is difficult. We do not want it to be any more difficult so we participate. The current social construct makes sure of this, participate and conform or perish. The recollection of the act of repeating this delusional cycle is sometimes celebrated. People talk about past lives as if it were some kind of accomplishment. Are they? I believe that this cycle can be broken, making the achievement of immortality more of an accomplishment worth noting.

The constraints of our social construct serves only the social construct and not the individual. We have well established acceptable behaviors on all levels of social conduct (and ethnic, cultural, national, juvenile, criminal levels). It is possible to be too “out there” (crazy) for most people to understand. There have been far too many visionaries that were labeled insane or demonized, most of them being women. We proudly protect our conscious reality by medicating, institutionalizing, and killing any one that is a threat to its validity. We even search for predispositions of divergent traits in children to shut them down with medications before they have a chance to manifest.

When someone sees something that others cannot see, or they see it in a completely different way, it is tagged an abnormality. Because the majority cannot see it then they must be abnormal or insane, even though, as I have mentioned above, people are unable to see everything due to the physical and mental limitations of our organs and senses. As a whole we have not evolved in a direction that would appreciate thoughts that diverge from the general consensus of this reality, mostly due to fear.


When I describe what I see, I know what has to happen in order for this to occur. I know that illusions, as well as delusions can exist in my mind while I attempt to interpret my conscious experiences. As this is happening, I know that I am only seeing a small portion of what may be vying for my attention. I also know that I may not be seeing everything that is happening nor am I able to interpret everything; not at this time anyway...

These people I call the Nameless are real enough for me to have worked with them and for them. I have stood behind them in lines and provoked them to become uncomfortable just by taunting them with my thoughts. I have been mistaken for them by their minions and treated as if I were important or a celebrity. I was invited to their parties as they attempted to indoctrinate me into their exclusive group (At these parties their women would stand by my side as if they were presenting themselves to me as a gift). They have presented me with opportunities to work among them, a “privilege”, I rejected. I have sat in their offices and listened to their medical diagnoses. I have attended and visited their educational institutions and even dated their daughters. Many years prior to my journey through the void, one of my best friends was/is one of them. They are more than just a delusional artifact of my conscious experiences. And, yes I have considered that I might actually be one of them that had lost his way. In any event, I have been called a mutation by one of them, but I prefer to be referred to called an anomaly.

I see this reality differently. I agree. As I started to notice the differences I could have disregarded them. After my exit from the void, it would have bee a lot easier for me to just ignored or to have submitted to them when they attacked me in Hawaii. But, I was given a glimpse into something that I cannot forget. Believe me I tried to forget, to try to be normal and participate in this grand delusion as if it were real. Because of this glimpse into an entirely different conscious reality I cannot – I will not – pretend it never happened.

Am I deluded? I do not know for certain, but I am on my way to finding out what it is I am actually experiencing or unable to experience. I have chosen a path that leads me away from the cycle of birth and death. I take nothing for granted and everything is suspect. But I now have a lifeline that tethers me to something substantial, something familiar. No matter what this reality throws my way I have something to keep me connected to source consciousness.

So what keeps you grounded? I hope it isn't this reality, even the ground (earth) we stand upon might be just a manifestation of consciousness and nothing more. But, that might be enough for you. For myself, I want something more. If what I search for does not exist then I will find a means to create it.

Note: I have used the word manifest as a means to describe the act of creating something or to provoke it into existence, but it does not mean the same thing. Manifest and create are not completely interchangeable. Manifestation connotes the sublime, while creation is etherial.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rules for Ascension?

The Prevention of Ascension -

We live in a society that has many rules (requirements, guidelines, directions). There are rules that govern just about everything we do. There are even rules that govern spirituality, a.k.a religion. Most of the rules concerning any mention of ascension primarily concerns the life lived prior to death, with death being the gateway to ascension and the life lived prior to death that determines if you ascend to some state of heaven, nirvana, etc...  In other words, the life you live determines if you will ascend (be rewarded) after death.

What I am looking for are the rules to ascend prior to death. I am asking anyone to show me where this knowledge exists. I have asked this before and I am still trying to find out if there are general rules that are well known, understood and practiced. Please feel free to provide the answer to this question in the comments section.

Just to be clear, I am not looking for rules that define ascension after death in the text of the Koran, Bible, Torah, Rigveda, The Diamond Sutra, Kangyur, Tao Te Ching, Bagavad Gita, etc... I am looking for rules that would allow anyone to ascend while they are alive. We have all heard that love is the true path to enlightenment, but does it also apply to ascension? If there aren't any rules or instructions to ascend, then why? It seems as if ascending to higher states of consciousness has been left out of our social dialog. Why is this the case? Shouldn't we all be trying to ascend and/or transcend our current state of being?

Let me be clear what I mean by ascension. Ascension is to rise to a higher state of consciousness where virtually anything is possible. To be able to be in harmony with consciousness in a manner that allows you to consciously create your reality in a more direct manner. To be connected to consciousness where all knowledge is available to you. It is a state where you no longer use your mind to think because you exist in a state of knowing. Because you are completely connected to consciousness, it is also a state of immortality.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Google +

I'm trying out Google +

I don't know how to use it yet, but here is the link to my Google + page:

For Every Action, There is a Reaction

The Prevention of Ascension -

My last post must have been more accurate than I thought. I can always count on the Nameless to react to my actions that threaten the paradigm they depend on to maintain this grand delusion. Now that I am inspired by, and connected to, source consciousness my journey is taking me away from anything that might be an obstacle to my ascension in its many forms.

A Mental and Physical Workout

The day was a good day, just as I intended. I have been humming along guided by an undercurrent of well-being. It is becoming easier to connect to it. A couple days ago I was overcome with the fact that I am truly fearless. It was a new aspect of my new state of well-being. Everything I did had an air of confidence. I did not concern myself with worry about anything. I found myself living in the moment and within the moment everything was beautiful.

The day was beautiful. A bright sun and crystal clear skies were joined by a windy chill. I could not wait for a chance to go for a bike ride. Late in the day I gathered my gear and set off my ride and a chance to capture some pictures of the setting sun. I exited the house and rolled down the street. I saw the one of the Nameless minions (half-bred hybrids of the Nameless and their brood) that lives at the corner walking out with his cell phone in hand. I did not care, I just hummed along my way.

I am aware that all I see is there for me, nothing is a coincidence. This is my dream unfolding before me, co-creation with source consciousness. I pay attention and make adjustments, nothing is taken for granted. I  connected to the hum of source consciousness, set my sights on a wonderful ride and put the minion out of my mind.

I rode along the back roads I had not been on in a while. I saw the new homes and neighborhoods that have been built where there used to be nothing but pasture and open space. I was enjoying the ride and the accompanying feeling of well-being. I had traveled about 10 miles, I could have gone further, I wanted to,  but the sun was about to set. I turned around to head back home and started to look for high ground to take in the setting sun.

I turned into one of the new neighborhoods and climbed to the top of a hill. I watched the sun set and took pictures at different intervals. Soon after the sun set I rode down the hill and headed back home. I started to notice that I was starting to worry. One thought lead to another and soon my mood went into a downward spiral toward fear and frustration. It felt as if something was dragging me from my connection to source consciousness, kicking and screaming. I fought back and began to focus on the moment and more positive emotions. I was locked in a battle to rid myself of the negativity that suddenly came on with my own style of mental kung fu.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Vibrational Coherence

The Prevention of Ascension -

Birds of a feather flock together. Because we exist in the same space we must be vibrating at the same frequency. We can only experience things of similar frequency, but what about things of the same frequency that are slightly out of phase? Is it possible to be slightly out of phase and not see something or someone that is occupying the same space?

Phase difference is the difference, expressed in electrical degrees or time, between two waves having the same frequency and referenced to the same point in time.[1] Two oscillators that have the same frequency and different phases have a phase difference, and the oscillators are said to be out of phase with each other. The amount by which such oscillators are out of step with each other can be expressed in degrees from 0° to 360°, or in radians from 0 to 2Ï€. If the phase difference is 180 degrees (Ï€ radians), then the two oscillators are said to be in antiphase. If two interacting waves meet at a point where they are in antiphase, then destructive interference will occur. It is common for waves of electromagnetic (light, RF), acoustic (sound) or other energy to become superposed in their transmission medium. When that happens, the phase difference determines whether they reinforce or weaken each other. Complete cancellation is possible for waves with equal amplitudes.


This page has been broadcasted over a satellite network and out into space. This page and the information contained within it existed in a variety of digital forms and frequencies. Is it possible that this web page can exist on many different dimensions of time and space to be seen by beings of different vibrational frequencies? Crop circles might come to mind whenever I think about how this might be possible.


During the time when the Nameless were using their technology to drain my life force from me, the following day I went out to the market. I noticed that the neighborhood I lived in was different. There were sketchy people standing on the corners as if they were dealing in stolen goods. Most of the people I saw looked as if they were suffering from some kind of substance abuse. Everything looked as if it were run down. The vibrational level of my immediate environment was the lowest I had ever experienced. Just a few days before everything seemed normal, comfortable and pleasing.

The following days I was able to regain my energy and return to my normal state of being. I also saw an improvement in my immediate environment. The people I saw were healthier and the sketchy dealers were nowhere to be seen. The neighborhood was cleaner and clearer. I had always noticed the changes in my environment were a direct response to my thoughts and actions. These were the clues or breadcrumbs that sustained my curiosity and ultimately lead my psychedelic trip through the void and the resulting revelations.

Where the Nameless able to alter my vibrational frequency enough to change my conscious experience or put me out of phase with my perceived normal conscious reality? (Normal conscious reality? Is there such a thing?).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Consciousness - Ver. 1

The Prevention of Ascension -

Anyone that had ever taken the time to define consciousness, was for the most part, wrong. They were also right and somewhere in the middle. Consciousness cannot not be defined universally. I mean to say that it there is not one single answer (I realize that I am trying to explain, and ultimately define, consciousness - the perplexing fuzzy nature of consciousness). All answers are right, and wrong.

Religion is a means to describe and understand consciousness. Most religions define consciousness as God or Gods. There are so many different religious beliefs and manifestations of those beliefs that have come and gone probably far too many to know or be able to record. The many faces of mythology are proof that consciousness is multi infinitely faceted. Not all religions agree, but anyone can see a single thread that weaves them all together. What is consciousness? What if it was up to you to decide.

If I would say that you are the center of the universe, this would be an understatement on a very grand scale. It does not matter if you are sitting in your room, standing on a mountain or at the center of a galaxy, you are at the center of consciousness. It can be no other way. You view everything from a single point in consciousness, your consciousness (your very own private Idaho). This is true for you and everyone else. Nothing new here concerning the self centered philosophies of old. This is one of my personal facets of what consciousness means to me. I am sure it will change over time or become irrelevant.

There have been many times when I have attempted to define consciousness. Pages of words that regurgitate the words of those that have come before me. When I read the drafts, journals and notes of my own attempts I see that they are very different form each other. I do not see a single thread that weaves them all together. Some of them no longer connect with me. I am beginning to see why.

Consciousness is a moving target. Consciousness is a metaphor, an apparition of the past present and future states of being existing in the moment. As I sit here again trying to put my feelings into words, I have a image in my mind of a child being tended to by its parents. I am a child of consciousness? I now get an image of cells dividing, expanding and again dividing. Anything is possible and everything is a valid representation of consciousness.

Before I posted this I was struck by the thought that any attempt to define consciousness also limits consciousness. A label or container that confines a concept. I can see why many people have used the terms infinite and formless as a means to describe consciousness.  They still do not do it justice.

I posted this against my better judgement. I want to see how these words effect my consciousness and how they manifest themselves within my conscious experiences...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Am Making Progress

The Prevention of Ascension -

My goal is and has always been to ascend to a higher state of consciousness. When I discover how to transcend this plane of existence I will. I don't have anything to prove to anyone. I guess if I would have been successful I would not be maintaining this blog, I'd be connected to the source again and creating a new realm for me to exist in. Since that is not the case and I have run into a few sangs along the way, I continue my journey. With everything I have experienced, how do I know I am making progress? I pay attention to my conscious surroundings.

Everything that you experience is there for you. The moment when you change your world view to this paradigm is the moment when your life will change. There is nothing that happens in your life that is meaningless. Just as everything in a dream has purpose so does everything within your waking dream. The mind really does not distinguish a dream from your so called waking reality. When you sleep and dream you believe everything is real. You believe the same for the waking dream world, but you will not fully realize this until there is something else to compare it to.

I pay attention to what I experience during the day and just like my sleeping dreams my attention will be directed toward a significant character or event. When my life is stagnant or caught in a loop my life is uneventful concerning significant events. Sometimes I like it that way, considering my more recent experiences. The important thing to do is to pay attention to as many things a possible. To do this you need to be present in the moment. You will then notice the things that are trying to get your attention.

When I am paying attention I am connected to the source and in the flow of well-being. Things that need my attention get my attention and I am navigating the dream that is my life. When the activity of those trying to prevent my ascension is high I know that I am doing the right things. When their activity is low I know that I need to try harder. (There are other things I use as indicators that I am not going to mention at this time. There are some things I need to keep well withing the confines of my personal conscious realm.) They will always let me know when I am going in the right direction for me, and the wrong direction for them.

A couple days ago after basking in the glow of well-being, and posting about it, I felt the familiar sensation of having the life drained out of me. Whatever technology of ability that was used was identical to what I have experienced and endured in Hawaii and Los Angeles. What used to prompt fear in me know only excites me. As I felt the life being drained from me, I just smiled. I said in a low voice to them "c'mon you can do it" "send me back to the source". This was the first time that I had felt that sensation since moving back to California. It seems the Nameless in California haven't yet realized that I do not have a problem going back to the source. I will do the same thing I had done when I entered the void. I will recreate this life as I did before. This time, I will not be confused. The abilities and level of ascension I will attain will not be wasted the next time.

Soon after I acknowledged that I was ready and that I was not afraid, the sensation stopped. I cannot be sure if there was another intervention of some kind, if there was I am grateful nonetheless. After the effects of the experience faded I realized some things. I am ready to transcend by any means no matter what happens. The will is the strongest and important tool I have and with it I can do anything. And, when they do those things to me I know I am making progress.

They Can't Help Themselves

Today I went on a bike ride. Due to the weather I had not made a decision on my route. I came to a point in my ride where I needed to make a decision and so I stopped and checked out the direction of the clouds and waited for the right emotion to point the way. The Long flat route through the area or climb in the foothills. Foothills felt better than a flat ride because I also wanted to get away from the electromagnetic radio interference in the suburban sprawl, so I started up the hill. As I started to leave the more populated areas I suddenly felt that continuing up the hill would not be a good thing. I started to feel strongly about it and then I decided to turn back. As soon as I completed the u-turn, my attention was drawn to my left. I saw a Chinese couple, in their forties or fifties, staring at me. They were standing near the parking lot of a condo/apartment complex staring at me. One of them was smiling at me or smiling because of my action. I rolled down a few more feet and then realized what had happened. I turned back around and I peddled back up toward the hills and when I came back to the place where the couple was standing, they were gone. All this happened within a minute or less.

The Jedi mind tricks of the Nameless were in force, again. I am able to discern when they do this to me more now than before. There is a reason why I like to go to natural places that are free of the electromagnetic interference. I can regain and maintain a level of energy, or chi and I am able to make a deeper connection with the source energy (greater consciousness, life force, or God - take your pick). They know this and keeping me away from the natural places helps them keep me in check. They were there to influence me to ride within the confines of the suburban sprawl. It almost worked, but I am getting better at maintaining my attention and also realizing that my own gut feeling feels different than their Jedi mind tricks.

In the past here were many times when I felt a need to leave or suddenly change my mind. I believed that it was my gut, or intuition, that was directing me. I no longer believe this to be the case. The Nameless are capable to influencing you. Most of the time they do this to keep you out of an area they are occupying. Sometimes you may even encounter a person that will get right in front of you and stare at you. A blank stare with an intention to scare you off. They are effective in using your fear to do what they want. If this happens to you don't confront them, ignore them.

I do not need the Nameless. They serve me no purpose. I realize that there will come a time when I can stop writing about my encounters with the Nameless and write about my experiences as I continue ascending and transcending. They have my attention now, but I know that won't always be the case. Whatever they are and whatever they are attempting to do, they just can't help themselves.

The only thing standing in my way is me. I am more powerful than I realize. When I realize my own power within my own dream, nothing will be able stop me. Not even me.

I am the peaceful warrior...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Today Was Different

The Prevention of Ascension -

I had always noticed that the time before, during and after dusk and dawn are special or auspicious. There is a change in the surrounding conscious energy during those times. It is as if a window is opened to connect with some form of energy. When I lived in Hawaii I was being attacked by the Nameless on a daily and nightly basis. The most consistent and intense attacks would always begin a half hour before sunset and increase as the sun set and then would trailed off a half hour later. There was something that the Nameless were trying to prevent me from doing. I suspected that they were attempting to prevent me from manifesting my desires and thoughts during this auspicious time. But, today was different.

Yesterday I spent most of the day in a blissful state. Today it was not as strong, but there were lingering effects and I could tell that I was still in the flow of well-being. I set off on a bike ride just before the sunset. I focused upon maintaining my connection to the source consciousness and increased my pace in order to aid in settling my mind and focus my intention. Some time after the sun set a wave of contentment came over me. I found myself in the same state of bliss as the day before. I sat up and opened my arms to take it all in. I looked toward the setting sun, the orange and blue sky never looked more beautiful. I was again in the flow of source consciousness riding along on my bike, my hands freezing from the cold night air without a care in the world.

I returned home and I noticed that I am seeing the world differently. Everything is as it should be. There is purpose and significance to all things. I am lucid in my dream and I no longer have issues with all that I experience. Everything seems to be falling into place or I am now in harmony with everything.  I find myself experiencing things and then acknowledging that I understand its purpose. I pause and shake my head in amazement as I appreciate the significance of that experience. I can't help but want more of those experiences in my life. I think how cool this all is, but then I remind myself that this is just the beginning.

Some Things of Substance

My journey through the void was the beginning of a conscious transformation that continue to this very moment. The Nameless were revealed to me, but they tolerated me. Occasional small doses of DMT were not an issue with the Nameless, but whenever I used cannabis they went out of their way to let me know that they did not approve. I remember how my life changed whenever I would take a toke while at a party during the days of my youth before I knew the Nameless existed.  There were even times when I would see an image in my mind of a future incident after taking a few hits and meditating. I never consumed cannabis on a regular basis. At that time I did not know how to use it properly.

When I was living in Hawaii I was using white powdered gold to bring about a change in myself. I was determined to transform into what I thought I should be. The image of a yogi, a monk, a peaceful warrior with an awakened mind was always in the back of my own mind. I was searching for something that opened my consciousness to the life I was living. I searched for simplicity. The alchemical powder was, and still is, of great benefit to me. I believe that when I combined the use of cannabis and white powdered gold there was a shift in consciousness that I was not aware of.  Life began to unfold in interesting a dramatic ways. It was at that time that the Nameless swiftly descended on me trying to send a message to stop what I was doing. Since that time I have since stopped using cannabis, but my experiences with my past use are of great interest to me.

The beauty and usefulness of substances that are capable of altering consciousness is that they offer insight into other possibilities. The realm of consciousness is vast. It should be explored, carefully. What we see in your daily life is such a small measure of what is possible that I cannot find a word that could describe it fully. Like a dream unfolding before you where anything is possible. As you live this dream your thoughts and desires influence the direction of the expansion of the dream in an infinite ever changing possibilities and directions. There are many layers or dimensions intersecting and interacting. Creation in constant motion, the whole of consciousness expanding in relation to this creation.

The expansion of consciousness expands the range of infinite possibilities we are able to experience. There is so much more to this experience than we are able to experience or possibly allowed to experience.  Don't allow anyone regulate what you can put in your body (as an adult) in the privacy of your own home.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The Prevention of Ascension -

I have spent most of the day in a state of well-being and contentment. I wanted to share this feeling with everyone and anyone, so I thought that writing a post would be a good way to do this.

When I first felt a wave of utter contentment engulf me, it was when I was spending a lot of time meditating. I meditated as many times a day as I could. One day I was cutting wood late in the day in preparation for a stormy evening. The wind was blowing the leaves from the tress above me. Gusts of wind were roaring through the branches. The environment was exciting and full of activity. I always appreciated the power of our natural settings. It was always an awesome sight to behold when things were unsettled.  I sat down in a patch of grass and leaves to take in my surroundings, and the feeling of bliss began to wash over me. At first is was slow and then it began to build as I gave into it. Then I surrendered fully and it was nothing like I had ever felt before. There is nothing like the first time.

I have had several other moments of feeling blissful. I appreciate them when they come, even more so when I am able to sustain them. Normally those that are watching me do whatever is necessary to end my bliss, today was different. Even though I have become accustomed to having frequent days of bliss and feelings of love for everything, today was certainly the longest I have been able to sustain them.

In the past I had to focus and pay attention to it when it came to me. I would watch it rise and fall. It usually left me fighting to hold onto it. Today was different. Today it did wash over me, today if felt as if I was floating within it. I was caught in the flow of it. As I went about my day, I watched as it carried me along. It was always present even when I was distracted by my experiences. I could feel it pulling me along not allowing me to drift away. The time I spent with family members was flowing within it and everyone was happy. Life was easier.

Before I began to write, I felt compelled to sit and meditate and submit to it completely. It flows within me now even stronger than before and I hope that it will continue for the rest of my existence. If by chance when I wake up in the morning and not be able to feel its presence, it will not bother me. I now know that this will only be temporary. In its absence I will feel estranged, and I will realize that it is no longer normal to feel this way. I am beginning to believe that the state of well-being is our natural state. It is the way everyone should feel all the time. We belong in the flow of well-being to receive all that it has to offer. It feels like home to me. Like returning home after being gone for a very long time.

Today was different.

Love and light to all those that continue to help me find my way.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hiding in Plain Sight...

The Prevention of Ascension -

Something that I have been trying to understand is the why of my situation. Why am I (possibly others also) being prevented from ascending or expanding my consciousness. I have not come up with a satisfactory answer, but I have had an interesting thought that has demanded a lot of my attention.

The Nameless are people or beings that have formidable and varying levels of energy and abilities. It is their understanding of consciousness that makes them formidable. But, they have limitations or else I would not be here typing these words. Those limitations are possible because consciousness serves everyone, not just those that are using it to subjugate others.

Why are they trying to stop me and what do they have to lose from my ascension or conscious evolution? As I have mentioned in a prior post, the amount of Nameless I have experienced in Catholic institutions is very high. I have had close friends that attended various Catholic educational institutions. As I look back into my past I can see how a lot of my friends, girlfriends, seem to be associated with each other in one way or another. Even after ending my relationship with them, oddly enough, other people that tried to become my friend seem to have or had some connection to Catholicism. I even met someone studying to become a priest that tried to become my friend. My past relationships with my Catholic friends and especially the behavior of their friends and associates begins to make more sense to me now. My recent conversation with a childhood friend concerning the activity of people in his life closely resemble the activity of the people I call the Nameless. He belongs to a Catholic church and his perception of consciousness is very different from mine. I can see how he is being manipulated and the difficulty in his life stems from this manipulation.   

The answer to my question was staring right in the face. Something wicked this way comes and it is hiding within Catholic organization. Are the Nameless people of the Catholic faith that have discovered a means to evolve in some way or are the Nameless using Catholicism and its institutions as a front. I can not think of an older more powerful institution that would be a better place to hide in plain site. The Nameless are protecting their interests, power, influence and financial superiority within a well established global network that exists in almost every community and seemingly more powerful in affluent communities.

Whatever or whoever they are, the Nameless have acquired this power and influence with some extraordinary abilities. I have had first hand experience with some of these abilities such as, hearing the thoughts of others, disrupting the flow of vital energy in the body of others (causing illness), influence the thoughts and behavior of others and influence and manifest their immediate reality. As wild as this seems, it is very real (within the scope of consciousness). Their success with these abilities is because the rest of us do not believe it to be possible. I know that these abilities are possible I have had experiences with them and also used some of their abilities to expose them. There have been times when I am able to overcome the EM fields and tap into the greater consciousness and see what it has to offer. I can see what is available to me and available to everyone. 

In my ebook I describe my own use of white powdered gold and the abilities that it can grant the user. I have claimed that white powdered gold was used by the Nameless in order to gain these abilities to exploit others. But many of the abilities I describe were available to me before my use of white powdered gold. Some of the abilities I discovered after my journey through the void. I did not know what had happened to me and I soon pushed them aside out of fear and confusion. The Nameless ensured that my energy levels or vibrational frequency was diminished, by using electromagnetic radiation and drugs to prevent me from evolving consciously. White powdered gold was something that enabled me to regain a level of health, energy or well-being. It allowed my body to repair the damage the Nameless were causing since the my journey through the void and for the better part of my life. I cannot be sure of how the Nameless acquired their abilities, white powdered gold may be one of many or possibly something from another dimension, time or reality. I don't know.

Let's consider that the Nameless are consciously evolved Catholic priests and followers running the organization that exist in many forms today (educational, political, judicial, medical, financial, Vatican) and not using Catholic organizations as a front. Any established western religious organization would have a great deal to lose if everyone would begin to discover what I have discovered.  Mainly the deliberate prevention of the expansion of ones consciousness that would lead to ascension in any or many forms. This is not your everyday enlightenment. What I am referring to is to connect with the greater consciousness in its entirety, completely. The path to God, consciousness or whatever you want to call it, would no longer run through the church, temple or mosque. People would begin to connect (as individuals and not as part of a religious order) with the source and evolve consciously in greater numbers. The Catholic power structure would have the most to lose if humankind found a different path to salvation. 

Hasn't Catholicism (as well as other established religions) been destroying and preventing the right of individuals to expand their consciousness throughout its (their) reign. The use of mysticism, witchcraft, psychedelics, and other esoteric practices have been burned, buried and outlawed. Interestingly this is still being carried out to this day. In the U.S.A. freedom of religion is guaranteed as long as you choose from a list of acceptable practices (or any practice that does not include the use of psychedelics). The Nameless within the Catholic institutions are using their abilities (and technology in the form of electromagnetic radiation) to exploit you, to prevent you from evolving consciously and discovering those same abilities. They have been preventing people from experiencing what I have experienced for quite some time. I experienced an awakening that I was unable to understand some 11 years ago. I am now beginning to understand what had happened to me as I continue to evolve regardless of their attempts to stop or slow it down.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not have a problem with any religion. I was once a person that looked toward religion for answers. Religion serves a purpose for those that are looking for a construct to define their lives. The religious construct became to confining for me so I looked to the East for answers and methods to understand my life.  Religion was part of my experience and has formed my current frame of reference, but I no longer need it. Please do not misunderstand, I do not have any dislike for the people that practice Catholicism, or any other religion. But, what I am now finding disturbing is that there is an interesting connection with my experiences with the Nameless and Catholic organizations.

Don't take my word for it. Take a look for yourself. I did not write this to create conflict. Conflict goes against any path toward salvation and awakening to the source energy. I wrote this to create awareness and foster a greater awakening. Remember magicians must keep means of the illusion a secret in order for the trick to be effective. If you know the trick, it's no longer magic. There can be no delusion if you are aware that a delusion exists. And, when you become aware of the dream you suddenly have an urge to wake up.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Public Places (I See Space People?)

 The Prevention of Ascension -

It still fascinates me that I am able to detect most of the people that are different from most of the other people I see. I see couples together and notice that one has the characteristics of a person with a higher level of energy or vibrational state (some of those I call the Nameless). This tells me that these people or beings (Nameless) are integrating into our society currently as they have been for quite some time. I see them on various vibrational levels. I know that there are infinite vibrational levels that everyone can experience. Since I am consciously aware of this I have become a problem for some of these people or beings. It seems to me that the Nameless do not want you to know that there is an entirely different and positive experience available to everyone. The Adjustment Bureau was a film that struck a chord with me, but instead of some divine the Nameless seem to have a more sinister scheme.

The level of energy, vibration, that I am able to maintain determines what I am able to experience. This vibrational state should not be confused with the New Age terms often used and misused to describe what a person experiences. I am referring to states of conscious experiences that are defined by your actual energy level or vibration. This becomes difficult to describe, but for most of you that spend time in isolated wilderness areas you notice a change in your conscious experiences. You feel better when you are in those natural surroundings and you carry that back with you. You see that your reality or conscious environment is more positive then when you left. It is not by coincidence it is because your vibrational state has changed. The slowly it is diminished by the ambient electromagnetic interference of your urban home environment to a more negative vibrational state.

Looking at artificial positive vibrational environments like Las Vegas, Disneyland, etc. you notice that if you enjoy the experience it has the ability to create a positive vibrational experience for the visitor. This isn't always the case because people can still have bad experiences in these locations because they are artificial and not natural. Yes, I understand people can have negative experiences in natural environments also, but that isn't the norm.

It is your vibrational state that is influenced by the ambient vibrational state of your immediate surroundings. Natural environments have a very positive effect on your vibrational state. Urban environments can have very negative vibrational states. Your emotional state is an indication of your vibrational state. Positive emotional states are and indication of positive environmental vibrational states. The opposite is true for negative environmental vibrations. I have found that electromagnetic radiation can be used (is being used) to change the vibrational state of the environment to influence the behavior of people in that environment. My experiences with the people I call the Nameless have used strong EM radiation to alter my emotional state, health and wellbeing in order to prevent me from ascending, expanding my consciousness and manifesting my desires.

If you are feeling negative, uninspired, depressed, unhappy, bored, a general feeling of futility you are being influenced by the negative environmental vibrational state in your typical home and workplace.  Cell phone towers, wifi transmitters and receivers, are primarily responsible in disrupting natural positive environmental vibrational states. Wether or not this is intentional, it is possible to overcome. You have the ability to change your vibrational state with your thoughts. More New Age mumbo jumbo? No! It works and you do it all the time. Change your thoughts and your emotional state will follow. Positive emotional vibrational states will infect your consciousness and your conscious experiences.

There is a truly wonderful experience that is waiting for you. You just need to change your vibrational state in order to be able to experience it. What you give your attention to you will find in abundance. Give your attention to as many positive thoughts and ideas as possible. As they come into your conscious experience focus upon them and appreciate them and more will come. Don't allow anyone to prevent you from whatever makes you happy, brings you joy and manifests that powerful emotion called love.

Extraterrestrials, aliens, space people, angels, heaven, hell, utopia, etc. are terms that can limit the expansion of your consciousness. Do not allow anyone or anything define your reality. It is your right to ascend beyond your current reality. Ultimately there is nothing that can suppress your will. You might not yet know this, but there is much more to your current experience than you and some other people (beings) want you to discover. It is time to push beyond this current reality and create a new reality without limitations, boundaries and perceptions.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Now Following Ask Aliens


I cannot claim that aliens exist. The typical alien that we are all familiar with may or may not exist. I have not seen one, so I cannot comment on the existence of extraterrestrials. But, I have had some mind blowing experiences in the last year that have forced me to reformat my frame of reference.

I contacted Ask Aliens out of desperation, while I was in Hawaii and an interesting thing happened after making contact with whoever runs the site. The activity of the Nameless stopped considerably and I started to see some people that were very different from those I refer to as the Nameless observing me closely. Because of the attacks that I endured at the hands of the Nameless I wasn't in the best state of mind to approach anyone. Everyone was suspect and I did not allow myself to trust anyone.  Since that time in Hawaii there has been a shift in the behavior of the Nameless and their activity. They operate more covertly as if they are trying to keep their activity a secret not only to us, but also to other beings or entities in this plane of existence.

I cannot be certain of what may be happening, but things have changed considerably since contacting the person that runs the Ask Aliens Blogspot. I do not know if the Arcturians had anything to do with the changes I have experienced or that they are protecting me in some way. I am grateful in any case. Anything is possible, I for one am sure of that now.

Ask Aliens is promoting something that I am very much in tune with and that is to move toward a more positive state of consciousness. I will be posting more about this in the future. Take a few moments of your time and see what it's all about

End of Blog Transfer


This marks the end of the blog transfer. A good deal has changed since I started posting in August of 2011. There is a lot that has happened and I continue to be in the middle of something that I do not quite understand completely.

The move to this site allows for increased dissemination of my story and allows mobile users to access this blog which was not possible with the current original site. This blog will endure long after I have moved on and I hope that it serves the purpose I hope it does.

Much gratitude and appreciation for those that have been helping me to move forward. I hope that we can continue to communicate in as many ways as possible.

I am not in conflict with those I call the Nameless. I just want to continue my quest and my right to ascend to a higher state of consciousness. This is a description of my experiences and I hope that those of you that are having similar experiences can learn and also share your experiences with all that find themselves here on this blog.

Love and light to all who visit here (wherever here is)...

01.05.12 (Transfered from original blog)

Posts from original blog

01.05.12 - Carlos Castaneda's books started me on my psychedelic quest for answers. I did not go into the desert looking for Yaqui indian shaman as many others have. I started out on my quest by myself and used psilocybin. I later read that Carlos's adventures were fictional and I believed that that might be correct, but I no longer feel that way. Carlos's adventures were real as our day to day lives are real. Carlos's experiences were on a completely different level as my experiences are. In the last post I mentioned that I am shifting through levels of consciousness, dimensions or parallel universes. I don't quite have a name for the realities that I experience. I do know that when whatever I see in one dimension I can carry it with me to the next. In my ebook I called my consciousness my cloud and that clouds of different people are capable of overlapping. Think of it as a Venn diagram with like components exist in two separate units where the units or clouds overlap. Carlos and Don Juan were able to experience each other over a common thread (string). In string theory vibration is the key components that allows things to exist. Like vibrational frequencies allow the two separate entities to exist and experience each other. Was Don Juan able to change his vibrational frequency to exist in the same realm as Carlos? I think that this is very possible. I also believe that I could be doing the same thing with these people I call the Nameless and other more positive entities that are helping me. I may have accidentally acquired an ability to shift into different levels of consciousness (dimensions, multi-verses, realities, whatever) or have had this unknown ability all along. I discovered that other people that are able to do the same.
    I remember the areas I used to feel drawn to while I took rides on my motorcycle. As I rode to certain destinations, did I shift into other levels of consciousness to experience an otherwise hidden reality. In other words was I unknowingly able to change my vibration to match the vibration I sensed in my original reality. Did the feeling of riding on my motorcycle alter my vibrational state? There are infinite possible scenarios that might fit this theory. There is also the possibility that my venture through the void has allowed me to exist between the two in that the overlapping components are greater than the unique components between the two dimensional realities. 
    Since my return to San Jose California I have been evolving or expanding my conscious experiences. I am almost like the Borg in that I am assimilating all that I experience into my consciousness. This is fostered by living in a less stressful environment. As my consciousness expands I become stronger or my consciousness becomes stronger. It is fascinating because it has taken on a life of it's own and I am now observing this as it is happening. In the film "Inception" DeCaprio stated that in a dream we are experiencing the dream as we are creating it. That is how my reality is beginning to feel. A dream that I am creating as I experience it. Bit by bit I am starting to consciously create as I go. I had this ability after exiting the void. The Nameless did all they could to help me forget what I had learned that night. It seems like the sleeper has finally awakened.
    The Nameless ares still trying to hinder my evolution, but they have been pushed back into the background noise. I still see them, but they no longer have the ability to cause me harm. My consciousness is capable of engulfing them and rendering them benign. I saw one of them standing in the middle of the Apple store watching me as his cohorts tried to inhibit the flow of chi energy in my heart. I no longer feel the effects of their attacks, just a lingering vibration of another failed attempt. My distant cousin's mother called my relatives the same day. She asked about me three times during the short conversation. I guess she did not have any good news to report back... I never really liked her, now I know why.
    Why the heart? I am starting to understand why they attack the heart. It is the flow of energy and the epicenter of love and other positive emotions. I never really understood the association with the heart and love. I always felt that love was an emotion that was experienced in the brain, or mind. Since the attacks have begun I am getting a better understanding of why they are focusing on this region of my physical body and my energy body. I remember the times when they were effective in causing pressure and pain in my heart with their abilities. It was a matter of restoring energy to that area of my body with my energy device and also by focusing on that part of the body to relieve the effects. There was a definite disruption of energy in my body. The disruption manifested itself in negative emotions of fear and depression. I now can see that the fear and depression were a result of the disruption of positive energy that is capable of manifesting positive emotions of love and contentment. I never really understood why, until recently.
    Emotions are a signaling mechanism of your vibrational state. Happy, joyful and loving emotions cause and ideal emotional state one that would allow me to ascend to a higher state of consciousness. Fear and depression would cause me to descend or return to a level where fear and depression are dominant. The Nameless were able to control my ability to ascend by inhibiting the flow of energy to, or through, my heart. During my ordeal in Hawaii, they focussed the electromagnetic energy at my sacrum. These targeting techniques are used to inhibit the flow of energy in the body to curb positive emotions that can manifest higher states of vibration. The higher (or positive) states of vibration ultimately lead to ascension.
    I have come to this theory because of a recent visit from a childhood friend that is having similar experiences with those I call the Nameless. He did most of the talking during our conversation. The level of his fear was enough to effect me. Towards the end of our meeting I said a few words to calm him down. After the conversation ended and we parted ways I could feel my body's vibrational state. It was both familiar and foreign in that I remember feeling this way before, but I have not felt that way since returning to California. It was as if we were two tuning forks and the vibration from one fork was induced into the other fork. The sensation was overwhelming until I focused on it. I was the observer and once I saw it for what it was it began to diminish.
    I now see that the vibrational state of fear is a highly active state where more positive states are calm. Again this goes along with different states I have experienced with psychedelics, herbal supplements, white powdered gold, medication, and meditation techniques. My level of ascension always increased when I was able to calm my mind or return to a favorable emotional state. My experimentation with rebirthing techniques (submerged in water and breathing through a long snorkel for an hour) always brought changes in my level of energy enough to ascend. The amount of Nameless I saw after my rebirthing sessions were always higher. My vibrational state was at a point to where I was able to interact with them at their level. I was not aware of it at that time, but they would subject me to E.M. frequency, after my rebirthing session, while I slept in order to change my vibrational state - more negative (I believe it to be a microwave frequency that agitates or speeds up water - intense E.M. waves were focused on my sacrum always heated up that area of my body - ie wireless networks, cell phones and wireless home appliances). No matter how many times I used the rebirthing technique I would always fall back to the level of fear and depression after a few days. I see what they have been doing to me all along. I see this in other people I know. 
    I know this is beginning to sound like science fiction, but these people I call the Nameless are controlling levels of consciousness, they are controlling who gets to ascend on a very large scale. This is happening right in front of our eyes. Anyone who is aware of this gets more of their attention, but most of us don't have a clue. We believe that what we experience in our current level is normal. We believe it is normal because we have not experienced anything that would foster an idea that something is wrong; such is life. The role cannabis plays in modulating emotional states in people inhibits their ability to keep us in fear. I can also see why MDMA (the love drug Ecstasy) has been made illegal. Anything that has the capacity to cause extended states of wellbeing is detrimental to their cause. The contrast gives rise to questioning why this reality is so unfulfilling. Extended states of wellbeing is attractinve because it is our natural state of being. It is the normality we are unknowingly seeking.
    I began to use cannabis in Hawaii because I believed that I had an illness, indicated by a loss of body mass. I later discovered that the illness was cased by the Nameless when they were entering my apartment and placing chemicals in my food and supplements. Cannabis eliminated my depression and modulated my fear. I felt better and as my state of wellbeing increased so did my vibrational state. I would spend my time under the influence of cannabis meditating and even rebirthing. I was feeling my best and I began to notice the changes in my conscious cloud. I began to ascend and that is when the activity of the Nameless increased. They were unable to hide from me. They had to scare me into submission and for a period of time they were successful.
    The Nameless are the demons of our time. They are people that have ascended to a level of consciousness and are inhibiting others for their own selfish reasons. What is fascinating about this is that these ascended beings are in a direct contradiction to what they meed to stay in an ascended state. Their minions (demons) are doing their dirty work for them so they do not have to be directly involved. This can not be sustained if people begin to realize what is going on. We see this happening in our conscious experiences, our reality (as I am writing this I am being blown away by what I am writing). 
    Entropy, they are watching the decline of their institutions. The reality that they have meticulously created is falling apart. They are seeing the end of their time. They are witnessing the awakening and expansion of consciousness for everyone. They are fighting to maintain their secret and in doing so they are hastening their own demise. Those that have knowingly enlisted with them will be consumed.
    The actions of the Nameless created me, the anomaly. I returned to the source energy when I entered the void. They were unable to distract me with this delusion they have constructed. I always knew something was wrong and I continued to search for answers. Now, again, the sleeper has awakened. I am a witness to their delusion. I am not afraid. I know their tricks. I see this reality for what it really is. I am reconnecting with the source energy without any need for supplements and herbals. Once the source energy begins to flow within you there is nothing that can stop it, there is nothing that can stand in your way... It is the ultimate enlightenment. The door is open, it's now time to step through it.
    This morning I woke up before dawn and I was connected to the source. I was communicating and affirming what I am discovering and experiencing. It is as if I am communicating with a part of me, but it is so much more than that. I have these sessions more frequently now. These sessions fill me with joy and contentment. A considerable amount of contentment comes over me as if i was being filled with it from an outside source. I have to give into it and go with the flow. Something is growing inside of me. It has manifested itself in me and nothing can stop it. I can't stop it even if I wanted to - why would I ever want to. This connection to source energy runs through me at different ties of the day. Waves of contentment and joy gently wash over me and I can't help but smile and accept it. If this is the beginning of insanity then I welcome this blissful state of being.
    It occurred to me that this energy source is like a seed. When the environment of the body is in disharmony the seed remains dormant. When the environment of the body is right the seed begins to sprout. What I am noticing is that once the seed begins to sprout there is a change in the body. There is a noticeable feedback from the seed itself and that feedback maintains the harmonious environment of the body. Again there is this tuning fork effect. The vibration of the source energy from the seed is induced into the body and the body begins to vibrate at the same frequency. Initially the vibration comes and goes like a car being started on a cold day. Once the body warms to the vibrational frequency of the source it then opens up to accept more energy. This becomes self perpetuating in that the body resonates with source energy and source energy responds and delivers more.